Monday, July 28, 2008

The Chicken Bone Crisis!

Sorry I haven't been writing, but posts aren't very fun without pictures and our camera is broken. However, I thought this story could be entertaining without any pictures. Last night we did a little swimming and mommy was tired so we decided to pick up the 8 piece fried chicken meal from our local Albertson's. Shortly after we began eating Eli started screaming his head off, obviously in immense pain. Our first reaction was to leap out of our chairs and comfort him. We thought he had bit his tongue, which he does quite often. Unfortunately, our first assumption was wrong. He continued to scream and then began projectile vomiting. What had happened? We could not figure it out, until he opened his mouth wide enough that we could see a chicken bone wedged in his tonsil! I know what you are thinking.... only at the asolas house. Well then we just all went crazy! Eli was still screaming of course, Nick was yelling..." you're a medical professional do something, and Jake proceeds to say, while worried about his brother, " don't you know you can't give fried chicken to a 3 year old". It was insane! We attempted to get it out a couple of times but Eli was clamping down on my fingers. Then I, the only calm one ,was screaming. We decided it would be best of we took him to an urgent care. Eli was then wrapped like a mummy and they were able to get the bone out.The doctor asked me if I wanted to keep the bone for his baby book, and I have to tell you I thought about it for a minute. His throat is a little sore today but he is a trooper. There is never a dull moment with our boys! :)

6 comments: said...

how weird, a VERY similar thing happened at MY house last night! except at my house, my wife a freaking out and being indecisive and I was remaining calm. what a coincidence!

Robin Snyder said...

I love your family! Jake's comment was hilarious! I am glad Eli survived. I had a similar scare last week while walking with Speedy and Caleb. Speedy grabbed a chicken bone off the street that I did not see before he did and I tried with all my might to pry open those jaws and he would not budge. Meanwhile Caleb is laughing as I frantically try to save Speedy's life. I finally give up trying and have a flashback of Meaty from Rob&Big who had to go to Pet Emergency for swallowing a bone. Thankfully, Speedy is fine.

Robin Snyder said...

I love your family! Jake's comment was hilarious! That sounded similar to a frightening experience I had walking Speedy the other day. He picked up a big chicken bone on the street, one that I didn't see before he did and I tried with all my might to pry open his mouth to get it out, but he would not budge. Caleb is in the stroller laughing as I am frantically trying to get the bone out. Finally, I said to heck with it. Then I start thinking about Meaty on Rob&Big when he swallowed a bone and had to go to Pet Emergency. Speedy ended up being fine, but bones are scary!

The Lord Family said...

Okay, I just read this to all of the nurses sitting around the nurses station. We wish you were here! You said it, only in your house...I miss your stories!!!

Elizabeth Myatt said...

You are so funny! I wish I knew your boys...sounds like all three of them keep you on your toes! Glad to see a new post from you...I am going to hold you accountable in the blogging world so I can know what's going on with you. Love you :-)

Sunny said...

HILLARIOUS!!! JAke's response is my fave part of the whole thing!